The tables below specify the use cases for which Datraverse is able to provide operational support.

If your use case turns out to be unsupported, Datraverse can not assist you. In that case, please contact your reseller or integration partner who provided the solution, to find out which third-party can provide support instead.

Beware that, even if your use case is supported by Datraverse, this fact does not automatically entitle you to Datraverse support. You, or your integration partner, must have an appropriate Service Level Agreement with Datraverse that covers all products you wish to have supported.

Product Server OS Database Database OS Supported
SavaPage Open Print Portal GNU/Linux PostgreSQL GNU/Linux Yes
SavaPage Open Print Portal GNU/Linux Apache Derby (Internal) GNU/Linux Yes 1)
SavaPage Open Print Portal GNU/Linux PostgreSQL Windows No
SavaPage Open Print Portal GNU/Linux other any No

PaperCut Primary Server GNU/Linux PostgreSQL GNU/Linux Yes
PaperCut Primary Server GNU/Linux Apache Derby (Internal) GNU/Linux Yes 2)
PaperCut Primary Server Windows PostgreSQL GNU/Linux Partial 3)
PaperCut Primary Server Windows PostgreSQL Windows Minimal 4)
PaperCut Primary Server Windows Apache Derby (Internal) Windows No
PaperCut Primary Server any other any No

PaperCut Secondary Server GNU/Linux Yes
PaperCut Secondary Server Windows Minimal 5)

Product Server OS Supported
PostgreSQL GNU/Linux Yes
MariaDB GNU/Linux Yes 6)
MySQL GNU/Linux Partial 7) 8)
other GNU/Linux No
any Windows No

Small deployments only. Medium to high volume use requires an external database to work reliably.
SavaPage integration requires PaperCut to use an external database, so this scenario is only possible if you do not run SavaPage in tandem with PaperCut.
Only database server support and optional SavaPage integration, no PaperCut operational or functional support.
4) , 5)
Only SavaPage integration, no PaperCut operational or functional support.
6) , 8)
Not for SavaPage or PaperCut use.
GPLv2 versions only.
  • services/operational/support-matrix.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/07/07 22:51
  • (external edit)